Messerschmitt Bf 110D/E Decals
Iliad Design have reprinted their set of 1:48 markings for the Bf 110D/E and added an extra colour scheme for good measure.
Cool Camo T-Birds
New from Iliad Design comes a set of 1:48 decals for a quintet of very attractive Lockheed T-33s. Rowan takes a look.
P-38J Lightning
New from Iliad Design comes a great set of decals for 1:48 P-38J kits. Rowan takes a look.
BCATP Ansons
Among Iliad Design's latest releases is an excellent set of 1:48 decals for Avro Ansons based in Canada. Rowan takes a look.
DHC-6 Twin Otter Decals
Iliad Design have released a very attractive new set of 1:72 decals for the Twin Otter. Rowan takes a look.
Piper L-4 "Grasshopper"
Iliad Design have released a set of 1:48 decals for the Piper L-4 "Grasshopper". Rowan takes a look.
Special Ops Skyraiders
Iliad Design have returned to one of their earlier decal sheets that quickly sold out on its original print run, updating it based on fresh research and including an extra colour scheme.
JG 53 'cartoon' Bf 109G-6s
Newly returned to the Iliad Design line-up is a very attractive sheet featuring Bf 109G-6s of 7./JG 53 based in Sicily, 1943.
More Naval T-Birds
Rowan reviews Iliad Design's latest 1:48 decal set for the Lockheed T-33 trainer.
T-38C Heritage Schemes
Rowan takes a look at Iliad Design's new decals for T-38C Talons sporting special commemorative paint jobs.
F-106B Delta Dart
Iliad Design have released a beautifully printed set of markings for the F-106B in 1:48.
ANG Mustangs Part 3
Iliad Design revisit the North American Mustang with a new set of decals featuring a quartet of post-WWII ANG aircraft.
Unusual C-47’s & Twin Otters
Iliad Design has reprinted their 1/72 scale Twin Otter set and released another 1/72 scale decal set Unusual C-47’s