Special Ops Skyraiders now includes markings for six colour schemes - 4 x US Special Operations and 2 x VNAF aircraft. The US machines carry standard USAF SEA camouflage, while the Vietnamese sport quite striking variations which will make the finished models stand out in any Skyraider line-up.
The featured aircraft are:
1. A-1H s/n 39665, 1st SOS, Nakhon Phanom, Thailand
2. A-1H s/n 39797, 83rd SOS, VNAF, Ton Son Nhut, 1966
3. A-1H s/n 37552, 6th SOS, Da Nang, 1969
4. A-1H s/n 34610, 83rd SOS, VNAF, Ton Son Nhut, 1966
5. A-1H s/n 34609, 22nd SOS, Nakhon Phanom, Thailand
6. A-1H s/n 37628, 22nd SOS, Nakhon Phanom, Thailand

The decals are excellent quality - thin and glossy with precise register and minimal excess carrier film. The colours look great - note: Iliad are careful to match Insignia Blue and Red correctly, so don't be surprised if the hues aren't as vivid as some kit decals interpretations.

The decals are backed up by an A4 sheet of full colour instructions, with shaded side profiles for each scheme and supplementary diagrams of the camouflage patterns.

What a great line-up of Vietnam-era "Spads"! I always love it when a decal sheet inspires me to buy a kit or dig one out from the Stash simply to use it! So it is here - I've meant to build Tamiya's 1:48 Skyraider for years (decades!) - but somehow it's always slipped to one side. I'll finally put that right thanks to Iliad's sheet - I simply can't resist the VNAF schemes! Totally new territory for me... just what I need to rekindle my modelling mojo!
Item #4819a is available now from Iliad Design - Price: $12.00
Many thanks to Iliad Design for the review sample.
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