Resin P-47 Pilot Released
Plus Model has released a 1:32 scale resin figure of a P-47 Thunderbolt USAAF pilot
Hawkeye Wheels And Tracker Wheels & Props Released
Plus Models has released in 1:72 scale three new resin sets for the Grumman E2C Hawkeye Wheels as well as Wheels and Props for the Grumman S2 Tracker
Norden Bomb & B-29 Gun Sights Released
Plus Models has released sets of resin Norden bomb and gun sights for the Boeing B-29 Superfortress in 1:72 and 1:48 scales
Bomb Trailer Mk.2 Released
Plus Model has released a 1:48 scale plastic injected Bomb Trailer Mk.2
Liberator & Privateer Wheels Released
Plus Models has released a number of 1:72 scale wheel sets for the B-24 liberator and PB4Y2 Privateer
Martin T4M Released
Plus Models has been quiet on the aircraft side of things recently so its great to share a couple of new 1:72 scale releases from them in the form of the Martin T4M with floats or wheels
Me 262 1/48 Pilot - Plus Model Review
Review of Plus Model 1/48 Pilot of a Me 262
B-50 Superfortress Resin Wheels
Review of Plus Model set of wheels for the 1/72 B-50 Superfortress
F-101 Voodoo Resin Wheels Review
A review of two resin sets of wheels for F-101 Voodoo 1/48 kits.
F-104 and Me 262 Pilot Figures
Plus Model announces two new pilot figures, a 1/32 F-104 Starfighter pilot and 1/48 Me 262 Schwalbe pilot.
Woodoo & Superfortress Wheels
Plus Model announces new 1/48 resin wheels for the F-101A/C, F-101B. Also 1/72 B-29 Superfortress wheels diamond tread or groved and B-50 Superfortress wheels groved.
C-119 Boxcar (Late) Wheels Set.
Plus Model have made a set of wheels with masks for the late version of the C-119 Boxcar.
C-47 Wheels and Masks set.
Plus Model have made a set of wheels (with cover) and masks for the C-47 Skytrain.
F-101 Wheels and Masks
Plus Model have made a set of a wheels and masks for the F-101 A/C Woodoo.
F-106 Delta Dart Pilot
Plus Model have made available the pilot figure with decals for the F-106 Delta Dart.