Tag: MiG
MiG-21 SMT Weekend Zoom Set
Tim takes a look at Eduards pre-painted photo etched Zoom set to detail Eduard’s own 1:48 scale MiG-21SMT
MiG-21SMT Weekend
Tim takes a look at Eduards Weekend 1:48 scale MiG-21SMT offering four marking options
PW 34: MiG-15’s Published Soon
Mushroom Model Publications [MMP] will be releasing soon Polish Wings No. 34 Mikoyan Gurevitch MiG-15
Finnish MiG-21’s
Arctic Decals is releasing two sets of 1:48 and 1:32 scale decals and paint masks for Finnish MiG-21’s
MiG-15 ProfiPACK
Eduard has re-released their 1:72 scale MiG-15 as a ProfiPACK, Tim takes a look at this diminutive fighter
Decals: Ukrainian MiG-29 & Archer Missiles
Foxbot has some new 1:72 scale decal releases for the markings and stencils of the pixelated camouflage of the Ukrainian MiG-29 and also for the R-73 Archer missile
1/32nd Ghost of Kyiv Mig-29 camo mask set
DN Models are taking pre-orders for a 1/32nd MiG-29 Ghost of Kyiv Fulcrum-C Ukrainian Digital Camo Paint Mask Set.
Ghost of Kyiv - MiG-29S Model Kits for Digital Camo
Short glimpse over kits available and suitable for Ghost of Kyiv replica in scale. 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 are mentioned, all in regards to masking out and painting the specific Ukrainian digital camouflage.
Ghost of Kyiv camo paint masks and apparel
DN Models have released a 1/72nd MiG-29 Ghost of Kyiv Fulcrum-C Ukrainian Digital Camo Paint Mask Set.
Polish Wings: MiG-29 Available Again
Mushroom Model Publications [MMP] has re-published Polish Wings 11 and 12 both featuring the MiG-29 and MiG-29UB
MiG-15 Weekend March Release
Eduard is releasing a Weekend Edition of the 1:72 scale MiG-15 next month
MiG-21SMT Weekender Re-Release
Eduard is re-releasing this month the 1:48 scale MiG-21SMT as a Weekend Edition
MiG-15 Returning
Eduard is re-releasing in January the 1:72 scale MiG-15 as a ProfiPACK Edition
Polish Wings 32 MiG-21MF Released
Mushroom Model Publications [MMP] has released Polish Wings No. 32 focusing on the MiG-21MF