Tag: 3d
LWS-6 Praubr Planned
3D Polish Wings is planning to produce the LWS-6 Praubr medium bomber in 1:48 and 1:72 scales
Buccaneer 3D Cockpit Decal Set
Kelik Scale Model Accessories has released a 3D decal set for the interior of the Airfix 1:72 scale Blackburn Buccaneer S.2C
Sikorsky MH-60, SH-60 & HH-60 3D Interior Decals Released
Kelik Decals has released a number of 1:35 scale 3D decals for the interior of the Sikorsky MH-60, SH-60 and HH-60
Blenheim Mk.I-IV Engine Set Released
SBS has released a 3D printed Bristol Mercury engine set designed for the Airfix 1:72 scale Bristol Blenheim Mk.I-IV
Fw 190D-9 Rocket Hunter
IBG’s next release in their line of 1:72 scale Dora's will be the Fw 190D-9 fitted with rockets
Hurricane Mk.IIc Pre-Order 3D Extras
Arma Hobby is offering detailed 3d printed parts if you pre-order their new tool 1:48 scale Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIc
Fw 190 D-9 Detail Sets
IBG Models is releasing next month 3d printed detail sets for their 1:72 scale Fw 190 D-9
F-100 Super Sabre Late Exhaust Nozzle Released
RES/KIT has released in 1:32, 1:48 and 1:72 scales late exhaust nozzles for the F-100 Super Sabre
Pfalz DVIII 3D Printed Parts
Aviattic has been showing on their Facebook page some of the 3D printed items for the 1:32 Pfalz DVIII
IBG February Releases: 190D-9 Marienburg & 3D Seat
IBG Models will be releasing this month in 1:72 scale the Fw 190D-9 Marienburg (Late Production) and a 3D printed seat suitable for any Fw 190D
Hurricane Mk.IID Tank Buster Released
Arma Hobby the 1:72 scale Hawker Hurricane Mk.IID Tank Buster with 3D printed parts and five marking options
Hurricanes + 3D Printed Parts
Arma Hobby is to re-release the 1:72 scale Hawker Hurricane Mk I Eastern Front and the Hurricane Mk II b with the addition of 3D printed parts
Hurricane Mk.IID Marking Options
Arma Hobby is to release next month a 1:72 scale Hawker Hurricane Mk.IID with 3D printed parts and five marking options
Fiat G-50 Released
Metallic Detail has released in 1:144 scale the Fiat G-50 using 3D, printed parts, PE and vacuum formed parts
Mercedes D.III 3D Printed Engine Released
Ukrainian company Print Scale has released a 3d printed Mercedes D.III engine in 1:32 scale