"Today one of the projects that has been being developed for some time. D..157 F-16C Viper Demo Team "Venom"
It often happens that we decide on a project because we just like some paints. Some of them are break neckly difficult to develop, but we usually manage to get there. In this case, from May 2020, when this planewas shown, we fell in love with it, but we was sure that a decal will be developed by one of the American manufacturers quite quickly. There are several companies out there, that would handle it without any problem. Months passed and to our surprise, nothing. It cannot be denied that several people drilled a hole in our stomach on this issue ;) And so we started working in December.Today the project is already well advanced, in fact, the only thing left to do is to fully develop the "snakeskin" of which the plane was entirely painted, so we can risk a statement that by spring this set will be available in scales 1/72, 1/48 and probably, as mask + decal also in 1/32
The screenshots below are only a preliminary sketch of the set and should be treated as such"...........Modelmaker
D..157 F-16C Viper Demo Team "Venom" – 1:32/1:48/1:72
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