"Our latest release
Detail & Scale is pleased to announce the release of"Colors & Markings of the F-14 Tomcat, Part 1, Atlantic Fleet and Reserve Squadrons" by Bert Kinzey & Rock Roszak.
This book is available in both printed and digital formats. Each Atlantic Fleet and Reserve squadron is covered with a historical summary that traces the origins of the squadron and also covers the highlights of the years the squadron flew the Tomcat.
Color photographs and artwork then illustrate the chronology of the paint schemes and markings used by the squadron from their very first F-14s through the last Tomcats the squadron flew before the unit was disestablished or when it transitioned to the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.
The large majority of photographs, all of which are in color, were taken by private aviation photographers. Only a small number are stock photos from the U. S. Navy". ............Detail & Scale
NOTE: This book is part 1 of three parts that are reworks of our previous two Colors &Markings Series books on the Tomcat that were available only in digital formats. We are reworking those two books into three parts in order to be able to provide printed editions of each at a reasonable price. Anyone who already has the original two books in digital form already has all of the content in this and the two parts that will follow. Purchasers who do not have those two digital books or who also want printed editions should purchase this book and the two that will follow.
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