Some Comic F.1/3 night fighters were fitted with Lewis machine guns on Foster mountings over the wing. The Lewis was able to fire incendiary munition which was found to be more effective in combat with the German Zeppelin bombers. The reason for mounting the Lewis on the wing is that it could not be synchronised to fire through the arc of the propeller. It was found that the wing shielded the glare from the muzzles, thus protecting the pilot’s night vision. One or both guns could be used pointing upwards. It was found that a mix of Pomeroy, Brock and Buckingham ammunition was a good combination against airships, observation and barrage balloons. The explosive Pomeroy bullets ripped open the envelopes more effectively than standard bullets. The Brock bullet containing spontaneously igniting potassium chlorate and the Buckingham filled with pyrophoric phosphorus easily ignited the hydrogen filled cells.

The Lewis guns detail set is part of Eduards brassin range. The contents are contained in a sturdy box, with the instructions rolled up inside preventing the photo etched and printed parts moving around too much. The printed parts and PE fret are sealed in plastic bags. Nothing was broken despite the set including some pretty delicate parts. The detail is superb on the printed parts. The large number of attachment points for the printed parts come away easily enough, though you still need to take care with some parts.

Contents include:
- 4 x 3D printed frets
- 1 x small photo etched [PE] fret
- 1 x A5 format instructions
The printed parts include:
- 2 x Lewis machine guns withshort hand grip
- 1 x Lewis machine gun with long hand grip
- 4 x Lewis machine gun magazines
- 1 x Foster mounting
- 2 x alternative cabane gun supports
- 1 x Lewis machine gun [oblique] circular support
- 2 x circular Foster mount supports
- 2 x square Foster mount supports
PE parts include:
6 x slotted fore sight
2 x circular gun sight
3 x magazine handles
2 x brackets
PE parts include:
- 6 x slotted fore sight
- 2 x circular gun sight
- 3 x magazine handles
- 2 x brackets

The 3D printed parts are direct replacements for the plastic parts. The plastic parts do look very good, though the printed parts have crisper detail as well as a few additional features. There is also the inclusion of the printed Lewis with the longer hand grip which doesn’t feature in the ProfiPACK Edition. This gun is fitted on the left of the foster mounting. The use and location of parts are slightly different depending which angle the right-hand gun is mounted.

Although the Lewis guns and the foster mount in the Eduard 1:48 scale Sopwith Camel Comic ProfiPACK look pretty good, these 3D printed parts offer more refined detail. There is also the long-handled Lewis that’s not in the ProfiPACK. These are straight replacements for the kit parts, so no modifications are necessary. Obviously, care is needed to remove some of the items from the framework.

Our thanks to Eduard for the review sample
Price from Eduard: 185,95 Kč [£6.45]
648726 - Sopwith Camel Comic Lewis guns PRINT - 1:48
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