1:32 Scale
QB32 306 OV-10A Bronco exhaust KITTY HAWK
QB32 307 Fw 190D-13 propeller HASEGAWA
QB32 308 Hawker Hurricane Mk. IIb early exhaust REVELL

1:48 Scale
QB49 048 B-25J Mitchell propellers HK MODEL
QB49 049 F-35A Lightning II pylons & missile launchers TAMIYA
QB49 050 Su-25 Frogfoot open airbrake parachute ZVEZDA
QB49 051 B-25J Mitchell cowlings HK MODEL
QB49 052 Mil Mi-8MT/Mi-17 IR Jammer L-166 Lipa AMK
QB49 053 Mil Mi-8MT/Mi-17 correction of fuel tank back AMK
QB49 054 Mil Mi-8MT/Mi-17 DISS cover AMK
QB49 055 Su-25 Wing air brakes early version ZVEZDA

1:72 Scale
QB72 683 P-39 Airacobra Mk.I fishtail exhaust ARMA HOBBY
Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here – on AEROSCALE.