"Hi everyone I am happy to be able to show you some previews of my forthcoming PR IV / PR IG Spitfire set for the Revell Mk II kit and my PR XI set for the Revell PR IX kit. I will advertise when available for sale - there are still things to iron out with the PR IV details and the retractable tail wheel parts for the PR XI to do. Decals are not included as the sets were a direct response to having done a decal sheet that included PR variants but I want to do another standalone decal sheet soon. The vac-form canopies are beautifully done by Tore Martin of Falcon Industries and not only capture the correct details but also fix the incorrect length of the Revell Spit's rear clear part. Missing from the photos is the small decal sheet for the cameras but it will obviously be included like with the RAF Camera sets. Thanks for looking........John. [AIMS]
Spitfre PR IV/PR IG [Revell Mk.II]– 1:32
Spitfire PR XI [Revell Mk.IX] – 1:32
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