In the bags
Both sets are packed in a cardboard backed clear envelope, with each set containing the decal sheet and pre-coloured photo etch fret.
A set of instructions are wrapped around the cardboard sheet and doubles up as the header for the set.
This set covers the entire instrument display's, including the main, side panels and the side consoles.
Also included which is nice is a full harness and various parts for the ejection sheet. Canopy rails are also included if you want to display the canopy open.

The decals being 3D, they do have a slight raised profile to them, I did try and take a picture from the side but my camera wouldn't focus properly on it, but there is a definite raising of the decal.
They are spongey in texture, and at extreme close up the colours are pixelated, but at normal viewing distance it isn't noticeable.

The P.E fret is the usual affair from Eduard, is pre-coloured and pretty comprehensive.

Using the decals
Now having had a look at this set, I thought it would be a shame not to use them on a build, and as I have several Eduard 1/72nd MiG-21MF's in the stash, I picked out a Weekend Edition kit, which doesn't come with any extras for the cockpit.
Eduard do state not to submerge the decals in water for too long, or they will swell and become distorted.
So having painted up the cockpit, which Vallejo Model Color (70.838) Emerald is a pretty good match for the decals, I decided to go with the main instrument panel first.
Using warm water I submerged the decal into the water and left it for around 3-5 seconds, this is enough time to release the decal from the backing paper.
Eduard do tell you to use a white glue to secure the decal to the panel, but for a test I didnt use any for this part.
Although the decal does adhere to the surface, you can easily peel it back off once its dry, so white glue does really need to be used.

The side consoles and wall panels are easy enough to do, and settle down well with the help of some glue.
I would be very wary of using any decal solutions on the decals as they do seem quite absorbent, so making sure the part the decal is going onto is flush, as I do not believe they are going to conform to any curves and lumps.

Cockpit tub and wall panel dry fitted.

Now the Weekend Edition MiG-21MF only has decals for the seat harness, so this is a nice bonus part of this set as it does really take the seat up to the next level.
Having used multiple Eduard photo etch frets over the years there is no dramas or fit issues with these parts.
The seat is a very tight fit into the cockpit, but it does fit with a little coaxing.

Canopy rails for the glass and the cockpit are also supplied should you wish to have the cockpit opened up.
Printed on a folded A4 sheet the instructions are easy to follow, with only few steps in the build sequence.
The kit parts that need to be used are highlighted, as are any parts that need removing.
I didn't find any problems with the instructions during the build.

Mfg. ID - 3DL72002
Suggested Retail - £4,01
Related Link - https://www.eduard.com/aircraft-and-helicopters/mig-21mf-space-1-72.html

This set is basically the same as the previous set, but you get two different colours of decals for the panels. One is the interior green with the other being grey, for newer MiG-21s.

The P.E fret also has a few more parts for the exterior of the aircraft, as a number of ariels for the trailing edges of the wings, stabliser and tail are supplied.
Also on the fret are two rear view mirrors for the canopy.
Mfg. ID - 3DL72004
Suggested Retail - £5,39
Related Link - https://www.eduard.com/aircraft-and-helicopters/mig-21pfm-space-1-72.html

Swapping the photo etch parts for a 3D decal I am not fully convinced that this set is an improvement, but for a Weekend Edition kit, this is a lot better then the kits supplied decals for the instruments and seat harness.
Being pretty cheap is does make sense to pick these sets up to improve the look of the interior.
So all in all I would recommend these sets if you want too improve the Weekend Edition MiG's, and the sets won't break the bank.
Our Thanks to Eduard!
This item was provided by them for the purpose of having it reviewed on this KitMaker Network site.
Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here - on AEROSCALE.