Osprey Publishing is releasing next week ‘Korean Air War’ by Michael Napier

From acclaimed aviation historian Michael Napier, 'Korean Air War' is a highly illustrated survey of the air war over Korea. 

Here, a F-84E Thunderjet of F-84 the 154th FBS (ArkansasANG) / 136th FBW takes off from Taegu (K-2) armed with 5-inch rockets. This particular aircraft was shot down while attacking marshalling yards to the south of Sukchŏn on 10 March 1952, killing the pilot, Lt Robert D. Canfield. [NMUSAF]

'Korean Air War' publishes next week. Preorder your copy now: https://bit.ly/3oYUSvx


Author's Note

  1.  The Korean War
  2.  The North Korean Invasion: 25 June-31 July 1950
  3.  United Nations Offensive: 1 August-25 October 1950
  4.  The Chinese Offensives: 25 October 1950-10 February1951
  5.  Offensive, Counter-Offensive and Stalemate: 11 February-31 December 1951
  6.  A Static War: 1 January-31 December 1952
  7.  Towards an Armistice: 1 January-27 July 1953
  8.  In Retrospect
  • Reference Notes
  • Glossary
  • Appendices
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • Acknowlegdements

9781472844446 - 'Korean Air War - Michael Napier

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