Steffen contributed hugely to Aeroscale for many years, at one time moderating our Luftwaffe coverage in the old forum. Steffen was a mine of information on the subject and always happy to help other modellers. Despite not being active on Kitmaker for a while, Steffen's legacy lives on in his many articles which are still available on the old Aeroscale site (https://aeroscale.kitmaker.net/user.php?op=userinfo&uname=alpha_tango), and in our new forum with the What The Postman Brought Today thread - an idea which Steffen began way back in 2006 and now runs to well over 4,000 posts.
I'm sure Steffen's many friends on Aeroscale will share with me in sending our sincere condolences to his family and his colleagues at IPMS Deutschland in their loss.
IPMSDeutschland Neuigkeiten