New from Barracuda Studios comes a beautifully produced pair of vacuformed sliding canopy sections for 1:48 Fw 190 kits.
The parts are designed for Eduard’s family of 1:48 Wurgers (new and old-tool), but should work equally well for any Fw 190 in this scale because only the sliding section is included - so there’s no worry about the windscreen fitting.
Barracuda Studios produce two sets - one for the original style Fw 190 canopy - Item# 48458:

and one for the later bulged unit - Item #48459:

Both are beautifully produced - thin and crystal-clear - and it’s the late-style that really excels for me, because vacu-forming allows for a much more pronounced bulge than would be possible with injection moulding without a multi-part mould and the resulting parting lines.
As always, Roy Sutherland provides a clear set of instructions (the same sheet covers both sets), with a step-by-step guide to preparing the parts.

Beginners should be aware that only one canopy is provided in each set - so you do need to read the instructions and take care not to damage it if you’re not familiar with working with vacuformed parts.
As you’d expect with anything that Roy Sutherland releases, these canopies really do look the proverbial bee's knees! I’m planning to build Eduard’s new Fw 190F-8 as part of our tribute to Steffen Arndt, so I’ll definitely fit it with one of these canopies as the icing on the cake.
Both sets are available now from Barracuda Studios - Price: $4.25 each.
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