It was quickly realised that the Fw 190 A1-4 could easily carry more ordnance with a redesign of the fuselage. The D-2 engine was moved forward by 15 cm resulting in a forward shift of the centre of gravity allowing more weight to be carried aft. The Fw 190 A-5 was the first series to incorporate this redesign. The A-5 also marked a change of manufacturing techniques and a new production plant for the ‘Würgers’ was set up at Fieseler substantially increasing production. As a result, production of the Fw 190 rose from 224 aircraft in 1941 to 1,878 in 1942.

Some A-5s were tested with the MW 50 methyl alcohol and water injection system, but installation was not adopted for serial production. The FuG 25a Erstling IFF, and an electric artificial horizon were fitted into the A-5. The A-5 retained the same wing and internal armament as the A-4. ‘Umrüst-Bausätze’ kits were issued over time to modify the A-5 for various roles as a night fighter, long range intruder and fighter bomber as well as reconnaissance.
- U2 – night fighter/intruder 2 x MG 151s, ETC 501 racks fitted
- U3 – fighter bomber 2 x MG 151s, ETC 501 racks fitted
- U-4 – armed reconnaissance 2 x MG 151s, 2 x RB 12.5 cameras
- U-8 – fighter bomber 2 x MG 151s, SC-250 centre line rack, 2 x 300 litre underwing fuel tanks
- U12 – bomber destroyer 2 x MG 17, 2 x MG 151 fitted internally, 2 x MG 151/20 fitted under the wings
- R-11 – night fighter fitted with FuG 217 Neptun radar equipment

The Kit
This is a Weekend edition by Eduard, so the contents include:
- 2 x grey plastic injected sprues
- 1 x clear plastic sprue
- 2 x sheets of decals
- 1 x 16 page instruction manual

By my reckoning backtracking on the Eduard website, this is the fifth release of the 1:72 scale Fw 190A-5 by Eduard, including a dual combo with the Fw 190A-8. This Weekend edition has four new marking options. The execution of the surface detail overall is exemplary with a mix of delicate raised and recessed detail.

The cockpit is made up from twelve plastic parts including cockpit tub, forward firewall, separate side panels, seat, two-part instrument panel, instrument panel hood, control stick, central console and two tabs for the rear of the cockpit. Also included is a clear plastic gun sight. The raised detail is a little faint. There are decals for the instrument panel decals, the detail is pretty good for this scale. There are a couple of decals for the side consoles as well as decals for the seat harness.

The windscreen and canopy are separate. Just the one style of canopy with this edition. Though there is one canopy for the open position, the other closed. An armored headrest and support needs to be fixed carefully to the canopy.

The fuselage is split into left and right halves, with separate gun and engine covers as well as separate two-part lip for the nose cowl. The gun access panel has the two MG 17 machine guns are moulded on. The two-part engine is well detailed, though you will see little of it with the separate cooling fan in front of it. There are separate blocks of exhaust pipes for both sides as well as underneath the forward fuselage. The impressive looking one-piece prop has separate spinner and as already mentioned a separate cooling fan. The rudder is one-piece separate part, with some delicate detail.

The main wings are made up from three-parts. The lower wing is almost full span, you will find the complete wing tips on the upper wing parts. Again, the surface detail is good, with the bulges over the armament nicely represented. Before the wings are assembled, the undercarriage [u/c] bay needs to be constructed from seven detailed parts and the wing mounted MG FF canons barrels need to be installed. There is a length of wing spar forming the back wall of the u/c bay. The distinctive indented panel roof of the u/c is added along with a couple brackets for the retracted u/c legs. The raised detail on the inside of the upper wing adds to what is a detailed u/c bay. The ailerons are separate and both are one piece. The two outer 151 MG canon barrels and pitot tube can be fitted after painting. The horizontal stabilisers are both one piece. All the control surfaces including the rudder have fine raised tape detail.

The distinctive leggy u/c legs and doors are nicely detailed. The retraction mechanism for the legs is separate and will make for a much stronger construction. The inner u/c doors also have retraction links. Wheels are each one piece with separate detailed hubs making it much easier to paint without the need for masks. Despite the tailwheel being one-piece, it has a good amount of detail and definition. It just slides into the fuselage once the fuselage has been constructed.

None of the marking options carry any external ordnance, though there is a belly fitted fuel tank and 500kg [?] bomb plus racks included on the sprues.
There are four marking options, including:
- A Oblt. Rolf Hermichen, 3./JG 26, Dno field base, Soviet Union, March 1943
- B Maj. Fritz Losigkeit, CO of I./JG 1, Deelen, Netherlands, April 1943
- C Lt. Emil Lang, 5./JG 54, Soviet Union, summer 1943
- D WNr 1230, Obstlt, Walter Oesau, CO of JG 2, Beaumont-le-Roger, Normandy, France, June 1943
Four excellent marking options reflecting the various fronts where the Fw 190A-5 operated. Options ‘A’ and ‘C’ have interesting camouflage schemes from the eastern front. Option ‘C’ which was based in Normandy has a distinctive black and white nose. The black stripes are included on the decal sheet. The emblem of I Gruppe is painted on the nose as well as the Knights cross painted on both sides of the forward fuselage. Unusually the aircraft has a series of international flags painted below the canopy. There are three variations of the black painted area on the fuselage behind the exhaust. These are included on the decal sheet.

The decals are printed in house and look superb. Both sheets are packed in one bag. Even in 1:72 scale the smallest stencils are legible. Each of the two swastikas for the tail are made up from two decals.

The sixteen-page A4 construction manual includes full colour painting guide with four view drawings of each marking option. There is a separate page solely for applying the stencils Construction guidance looks straight forward, the size of the drawings makes construction and placement of parts so much easier. Gunze: Aqueous, Mr Color, Mr Metal Color and Mr Color Super Metallic paint numbers are used for colour reference.

Great to see this superb release back again particularly with the four new marking options. Also, it’s at a great price from the Eduard shop. Having built the 1:72 scale Fw 190 series from Eduard, I can testify they go together very well. The plastic responds well to liquid glue and the fit of parts is generally very good. Highly recommended
Our thanks to Eduard for this review sample. The kit is available from the Eduard store.
Price at time of publication: 285,12 Kč [£10,14]
7470 – Fw 190A-5 Weekend – 1:72
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