Detail & Scale is pleased to announce that our next publication will be:
F-14 TOMCAT IN DETAIL & SCALE by Haagen Klaus
Available in print ($19.99) and digital ($12.99) formats
It is scheduled for a late July release, and we expect to have it for sale at the IPMS national Convention in Omaha
This is NOT merely an expanded and updated edition of our former publication of the same title. Instead, it is an ALL-NEW BOOK written by Haagen Klaus.
In researching and putting this book together, Haagen gathered a team of expert contributors who worked with him to make this the most accurate and in-depth book possible on the Tomcat. Among these are people who flew and maintained the F-14 and who worked at Grumman on the Tomcat. These include:
Kevin "Sully" Sullivan - F-14 Pilot
Dave “Bio” Baranek - F-14 RIO
William Barto - Grumman Technical Illustrator
Tim Daugherty - F-14 Maintenance Personnel
Nick Kessel - F-14 Maintenance Personnel
Tim Lent - Grumman F-14 Production and Plane Captain
Bill “Pinch” Paisley - F-14 RIO
Dave “Hey Joe” Parsons - F-14 RIO
Scott “Timmeh!” Timmester - F-14 RIO
Jim Rotrammel, Weapons Expert, Naval Air Test Center
In addition to these experts, many more aviation photographers have contributed scores of general and detail photographs that provide extensive coverage.
Two chapters provide a look at the Tomcat’s history. The first covers the developmental history, while the second takes a look at the operational history, including the Tomcat’s extensive use in combat. Numerous photographs supplement an informative text in each of these chapters.
The focus of the books in the Detail & Scale Series is on the details of the aircraft. The book is profusely illustrated with detailed photographs, most of which have never been published before. Almost all of the 275+ photographs are in color, and more than 135 detail photographs show every detail of the Tomcat, inside and out. For example, there are 34 cockpit photos showing all of the details and differences in the F-14A, F-14B, and F-14D cockpits, and they are accompanied by detailed captions that explain and point out the features and how the cockpit displays and controls changed from one variant to the next.
Details of the fuselage, wings, landing gear, tail, engines, air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons, and even the ever-changing flight gear worn by pilots and RIOs are illustrated with photographs, many of which were taken specifically for this publication.
A comprehensive text explains all of the many upgrades made to the Tomcat over the years it was in service in amazing detail, and all of the physical changes are illustrated with photographs which are supplemented with artwork that points out exactly what the changes were and when they were made.
For scale modelers, the Modelers Section, one of the hallmarks of our Detail & Scale Series, covers the scale model kits that are available from the major manufacturers, and a text reviews the kits, pointing out the plusses and minuses of each.
Watch for our announcements on our website at www.detailandscale.com, our Facebook reference page, and our Facebook scale modeling group Scale Aircraft Modeling with Detail & Scale when this book is released. It will be one all Tomcat lovers will want to have in their collection!
Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here – on AEROSCALE.