Hello everyone,
In today's update I would like to share the final design for the B787 galleys and cargo holds.
As you have seen from my previous update, the fuselage was made in order to make the galleys and holds a perfect fit, and on the way, correct/adjust a few areas of the kit's original fuselage.
I did not reused the galleys from the previous version, so these were made again as well as the whole cockpit, which this time has more detail.
I gave a bit more thickness to the galley crew sets as well as the emergency equipment cabinets. I still need to adjust the tailcone and the passenger seat proportions.
This time the galleys are prepared for the installation of the SMD0805 LEDs, I may include them in the set as an option since I can get those with wires pre soldered.
This 787 set will be available in different versions:
- A full set, which will include: FWD galley/cockpit, L2/R2 galley, L3/R3 galley, AFT galley, FWD cargo hold, AFT cargo hold and the whole fuselage.
- FWD galley/cockpit with FWD fuselage section (plug for closed cargo door will be included).
- FWD cargo hold with FWD fuselage section (plug for closed galley door will be included).
- FWD galley/cockpit and FWD cargo hold with FWD fuselage section.
- L2/R2 galley with center fuselage section (whole wingroot body fairing, with L3/R3 galley door / AFT cargo hold closed plug).
- L3/R3 galley with center fuselage section (whole wingroot body fairing, with L2/R2 galley door / AFT cargo hold closed plug).
- L2/R2 galley, L3/R3 galley with center fusealge section (whole wingroot body fairing) and AFT cargo hold closed door plug.
- L2/R2 galley, L3/R3 galley and AFT cargo hold with center fuselage secton (whole wingroot body fairing).
- AFT galley with AFT fuselage section.
Tests will begin soon, I need to check how all the possible variations written above will work, how the fuselage could be mixed with the kit's original.
Regarding the door plugs in case an item within the fuselage section is not in use, I may remake the fuselage for that particular set with the door already closed with the engraved outline.
This may take me extra time/material but it will give better results.
Best wishes,
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