This offering from Kagero Books is listed as the 2nd release in their Club 1/48th series. The author of this release is Sebastian Piechowiak. The book is approximately A4 in size, and is a soft backed offering. You get a glossy card cover, with the interior pages being provided in a matt finish. The text within the book, is well written and provided in both Polish and English. The model used is an old kit from AMT/Ertl. The modeller has utilised a lot of aftermarket accessories, and covers their use to an acceptable level in my opinion. The painting technique utilised is what I think of as a line drawing method, were a dark colour is sprayed over the panel lines making the top coats of paint in those areas darker. The author has also looked at turned brass and resin machine gun barrels, and opted for the brass ones - Good choice in my opinion! Weathering of the model is also covered, along with a montage of finished images. I also appreciate that you are provided with a list of materials used in the building of the model in both languages. The title is finished with a look at the aircraft in use, and artists profiles in order to provide what I consider to be a well rounded presentation. Included with the book are a set of decals, unfortunately they are not of the finished model in the book.