CD48192 - 1/48A-10A "Cold War Hogs": You have asked us for an A-10A sheet with Cold War era markings for a long time - it is finally here! Marking options for no fewer than 12 "Hogs", all decked out in the"European One" color scheme they wore during the heyday of the Cold War in the 1980s. Four of these are Desert Storm jets with unique nose art and mission markings. Complete with period-accurate stencilling for one aircraft.
This very comprehensive decal set provides markings for A-10A Thunderbolts in the "European One" camouflage scheme that the type wore during the height of the Cold War and the first Gulf War that followed.
With this sheet, you finally can build an accurate,high-quality model representing what the iconic A-10 looked like during most of the 1980s and early 1990s. Many of the options on CD48192 feature colorful,intricate nose art and period-accurate unit markings.
The options on this decal sheet are:
A-10A 78-0670 138th TFS, New York Air National Guard
A-10A 78-0685 138th TFS, New York Air National Guard
A-10A 81-0979 509th TFS, RAF Alconbury
A-10A 81-0967 "Brothers in Arms", 511st TFS,RAF Alconbury
A-10A 80-0206 92nd TFS, RAF Bentwaters
A-10A 81-0952 510th TFS, RAF Bentwaters
A-10A 81-0962 91st TFS, RAF Bentwaters
A-10A 81-0950 78th TFS, RAF Bentwaters
A-10A 78-0599 "Bird of Prey", 355th TFS,Operation Desert Storm
A-10A 79-0099 "Fang", 355th TFS, OperationDesert Storm
A-10A 79-0112 "Here Comes The Judge", 355thTFS, Operation Desert Storm
A-10A 78-0724 "Leslie the Seminole Warrior",355th TFS, Operation Desert Storm
CD48192 - A-10A "Cold War Hogs" - 1:48
Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here – on AEROSCALE.