B-26B/C Marauder Undercarriage Wheels

Detail resin cast wheels with weighted tyres, designed for the new 1/48 ICM B-26 Marauder kit.
Item #4483 is available now from Special Hobby - Price: 8.70 Euros
B-26B/C Marauder Nose Gun, Ammo Boxes and Feed

Fully 3D-printed set that features a new machine gun, ammunition belt, ammo box and some more details as well that are all missing from the kit or have been quite simplified.
Item #4484 will be available soon from Special Hobby - Price: 8.00 Euros
B-26B/C Marauder Correction Propellers

The propeller blades of the new ICM B-26 are unfortunately rather wrong shaped as they completely lack the aerodynamic twist. Our set fixes this omission, the new blades are resin cast while the hubs are 3D printed.
Item #4486 is available now from Special Hobby - Price: 8.00 Euros
B-26 Tail Shell Case Collector

In field conditions, the B-26 Marauder bombers were fitted with a spent shell collector under the tail gunner position. These collectors were of two main types, the one of our set was used by the 12th Air Army and was also seen on French Marauders.
Item #4488 is available now from Special Hobby - Price: 3.70 Euros
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