Tag: Heinkel
ICM 2025 Novelties Announcement
Dear friends, 2025 promises to be a special year for all fans of scale modeling! We are proud to present our new products – models created with love and inspiration. These sets will open up new horizons of creativity for you and give you many unforgettabl...
Heinkel He162 Volksjäger From Drawing Board to Destruction: The Volksjäger Spatz
The accomplishment of the so-called Volksjäger (the `People's Fighter') project was - and still is - regarded as a `miracle of production'. This work is supported by many rare photographs and accompanied by line drawings and facsimile documents as well a...
He 111H-6 Planned
Border Models is to release a 1:35 scale Heinkel He 111H-6 and they have posted some impressive renders on their Facebook page
NEW BOOK: Heinkel He 162: The Volksjäger
Crecy Publishing is releasing soon a new book ‘Heinkel He 162 - From Drawing Board to Destruction: The Volksjäger’ written by Robert Forsyth with Eddie J. Cre
Heinkel He 115 Book Planned
Chandos Publication is to release a new monograph on the Heinkel He 115
He 162 B ‘Volksjägger’ Released
AZ Model has released six editions of the Heinkel He 162 B ‘Volksjägger’ Luft 46 in 1:72 scale
On Sale: Biplanes of the 1930s and 1940s
ICM August new item is on sale from 18.08.23 'Biplanes of the 1930s and 1940s' featuring three 1:72 scale aircraft including the Не-51A-1, Ki-10-II, and U-2/Po-2VS
He162 A & Arado E-377 Released
Brengun has released the powered or unpowered glider version of the Arado E-377 guided bomb and the Mistel 5 He162 A and Arado E-377 combination in 1:144 scale
ON SALE: May ICM New Items
ICM has released this month the 1:48 scale He 111H-8 Paravane and a British WWII Weapons set, in 1:72 scale the OV-10A Bronco along with a acrylic paint set for the weapons set
He 111 Paravane Parts View
ICM has provided a glimpse of the plastic parts for the soon to be released 1:48 scale Heinkel He 111 H-8 Paravane
He 111H-8 Paravane Renders
ICM has sent Aeroscale renders of the 1:48 scale He 111H-8 Paravane that will be released soon
Heinkel He-46 Test Build
RS Models has posted on their Facebook page images of the test build of their new tool 1:72 scale Heinkel He-46
Heinkel He-46 Incoming
RS Models is to release soon four editions of a new 1:72 scale model of the Heinkel He-46
He.111 P-2 Re-Released
Airfix has re-released the 1:72 scale Heinkel He.111 P-2
Brace Of He 112’s Released
RS Models has released a couple more Editions of the 1:72 scale He 112