The TBM-3E was a specialised variant of the Avenger with a strengthened airframe and carrying search radar in a pod under the starboard wing. The ventral machine gun was deleted along with the gunner's side windows. A total of 646 TBM-3Es was built.
The Conversion Set
CMK's conversion set arrives in a sturdy end-opening box. The smaller parts are sealed in a zip-lock bag, but the radar pod had come adrift in transit in the review set. Thankfully, no harm was done.
The set comprises:
14 x grey resin parts
8 x grey 3D-printed parts (4 of which are spares)
1 x clear resin parts
A sheet of die-cut washi tape masks
Decals for 2 x colour schemes

The resin parts are very well cast, with a pair of replacement cowlings, plus exhausts and new electrical boxes to fit out the radar operator's position. The former ventral gunner's station is replaced with a new clear resin part which is nicely cast and free of any bubbles in the sample set.

The 3D-printed parts provide the radar pod itself and a beautifully delicate underwing rack plus the electrical connection points. All you need to add is a short length of wire to connect them.
The instructions are clearly illustrated and include a diagram showing where to attach the rack and scribe a panel for the electrical connector.

The set comes complete with markings for a pair of aircraft.

The decals are good quality, but the yellow used is actually created with fine dots and looks quite dark. The glossy items have quite a bit of excess carrier film, but I've found CMK/Special Hobby decals snuggle down very neatly with standard setting solutions.

CMK provide die-cut masks to paint the yellow stripes for one of the colour schemes, so it's a shame they didn't also include masks for the numbers so you could match the colour. There's empty space on the sheet, so it's also surprising that there isn't a mask included for the ventral window.
CMK's TBM-3E conversion set is very neatly done and the resulting Avenger will stand out in a line-up of standard versions. It's designed for the Accurate Miniatures Avenger that has been re-boxed by Academy and Italeri, so you'll have no trouble finding one. The parts may also work with Hobby Boss kits - but that could involve extra work fitting the cowling etc.
Set #4474 is available now from Special Hobby - Price: 22.40 Euros
Many thanks to Special Hobby for the review sample.
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