Su-57 Felon Russian 5th Gen Stealth Fighter Splinter Camo Paint Masks Set 1/72nd
Suggested scale - 1/72nd
Suggested kits - Zvezda Su-57 Felon
SKU -72/827-044
The set includes two sheets of masks (shown in the picture). The masks are made from thin masking tape, which is easy to be peeled off and doesn’t leave any stains. The tape is tested on clear and painted model too. If carefully removed after painting, they can be used over and over again. Material is flexible and easily applied over curved surfaces. Semi-transparent for easy and accurate placing.
The Splinter Camo mask set covers one of the first paint options shown to the public. The camouflage scheme in this set is designed using Zvezda Su-57 Felon kit, which at the time of this mask set release is the most accurate one available in 72nd scale. Considering the fact that Zvezda kits are accurate size-wise compared to the original, it is safe to expect that this set will fit most Su-57 in 72nd scale released in the future. Some of the pre-production 5th generation Stealth fighters wear digital camouflage scheme. There is also a third option, which is a two tone paint scheme, that is the least interesting of them all.
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