This offering from MMP books courtesy of Casemate Publishing looking at the Grumman F6F Hellcat is authored by Zbigniew Kolacha. This is a hard backed book of 44 pages that are roughly A4 in size. This release is number 27 in the Spotlight series of books and it is unusual to find a book with this number of pages with a hard back cover. The paper used in the title is a semi-gloss reasonably heavy stock that provides its information very well.
This release from MMP Books is for those modellers who get their information from visual observation as there is no dedicated text within the title. What you get in the title is a good number of units covered from either the left or the right profile with some of the aircraft shown in full from above and the underside of the wings. Beneath each aircraft depiction is a written caption listing the aircraft, unit and aircraft ID. Beneath which is a brief amount of information on the aircraft and where it served. While all of the images are artists impressions an effort has been made to show the staining pattern from the exhausts down the sides and over the wings. Weathering is also depicted on the underside and wings of the aircraft and the top of the aircraft overall covering the grime that could accumulate from firing the guns.
This offering from MMP Books is visually appealing on the inside and well protected and presented on the outside by the hard cover. Coming in at £19 I cannot make up my mind whether this represents good value for money or not, and it really is one of those questions for the potential buyer. I would have liked to have seen scale schematics somewhere in the title in at least either 1/48th or 1/72nd as I feel that would have added greatly to its value as a reference title.