“AIMS 1/48 PR IV / IG / FR IX set for Eduard Mk I (or IX for FR IX) available now from myself - £23.50 plus shipping
AIMS 1/48 PR XI for Eduard Mk VIII kit - £22.50 plus shipping. I will be sending to Hannants at the end of April but for now they are available from myself. Email me at aimsmodels1@gmail.com if interested and remember to tell me where in the world you live otherwise I cannot calculate shipping. Thanks for looking. I would post this on Eduard FB page but it is advertising and will be immediately removed by admin so let your friends know.
Remember decal sheet 48D028 in your travels. Enjoy”……………………………… AIMS
48PO46 - Spitfire PR IV / IG / FR IX – 1:48
48PO47 – Spitfire PR XI – 1:48
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