The series starts with 7 different pilot figures:
LRM48011 - Russian modern military pilot - 1
LRM48012 - Russian modern military pilot - 2
LRM48013 - Russian modern military pilot - 3
LRM48014 - Russian modern military pilot - 4
LRM48015 - Russian modern military pilot - 5
LRM48016 - Russian modern military pilot - 6
LRM48017 - Russian modern military pilot - 7
It then continues with no less than 14 ground crew in a variety of poses:
LRM48018 - Russian Modern ground crew - 1
LRM48019 - Russian Modern ground crew - 2
LRM48020 - Russian Modern ground crew - 3
LRM48021 - Russian Modern ground crew - 4
LRM48022 - Russian Modern ground crew - 5
LRM48023 - Russian Modern ground crew - 6
LRM48024 - Russian Modern ground crew - 7
LRM48025 - Russian Modern ground crew - 8
LRM48026 - Russian Modern ground crew - 9
LRM48027 - Russian Modern ground crew - 10
LRM48028 - Russian Modern ground crew - 11
LRM48029 - Russian Modern ground crew - 12
LRM48030 - Russian Modern ground crew - 13
LRM48031 - Russian Modern ground crew - 14
Each figure has a regular price of $8.50, but is available now for just $7.65 from
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