Please understand that this text is mostly from anewsletter email out that we initially prepared well in advance of the horrificRussian invasion of Ukraine three weeks ago. Many things that we thought wereimportant back then have now paled into insignificance. Our hearts andincredible admiration go out to our many Ukrainian friends, “Slava Ukraine”!
At this time there isn’t very much in the way of Kotarenews to impart, but we thought we should at least say something in case youforget about us!
The CAD illustration shown here is of K32001 Kotare 1-32Spitfire Mk.Ia (Mid) cockpit detail. Note the metal seat with Sutton harness& armour plating shown. Some details were changed after this image was created.

K32001 Kotare 1/32 Spitfire Mk.Ia (Mid) is progressingwell and remains on schedule for release later in 2022. The next big milestonewe are looking forward to is the receipt of test shots in the not-too-distantfuture.
Just in case you haven’t checked out our websiterecently, you will find several 3D renders showing numerous details of K32001Kotare 1/32 Spitfire Mk.Ia (Mid) in the gallery;
We are actively developing several other new releaseswhich we are not quite ready to reveal just yet, but I think it would bedisingenuous for us to deny that there would probably be at least anothervariation or two of the Spitfire included amongst them.
Hopefully things can get back to something resemblingnormal worldwide before too much longer so that we will be able to meet many ofyou in person at the various model shows etc that we plan on attending.

Many people have been asking for updated release dateinformation and price etc. The release of K32001 Kotare 1/32 Spitfire Mk.Ia(Mid) remains on schedule for later in 2022. Unfortunately, because ofworldwide supply chain problems and numerous other world events, it would befolly for us to try and be more specific about a release date and/or price(even ballpark) at this time. Sorry.
If you have any questions and comments etc (or greatreference photos or drawings for future projects) please just drop me a line atrichard@kotare-models.com. But please don’t forget to check our website (andFAQ page) for updates;
Cheers”………………………………………Richard, Kotare

K32001 - Spitfire Mk.Ia [Late] – 1:32
Please remember, when contacting retailers ormanufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here – on Aeroscale.