MiniArt has now released the next of their Junkers-Larsen plane in 1/48th scale. The model is packaged in the usual manner with a single plastic bag in a cardboard tray with a card lid. This method will usually get the model to you in good condition, but does have the risk of distortion due to everything being in one bag. An examination of the contents reveals a number of ejector pin marks, that you will likely have to tackle in some cases. These will most often be on the inside of the fuselage interior. The modelling quality overall is of a good standard with no obvious issues beyond some flow lines in plastic. Which have not caused any issues in this sample, but is a risk.
Interior detail is of a very pleasing standard, with a decent replica of the engine and a reasonably detailed cockpit - this could of course be taken further and as various options of this model are released so the after-market companies will catch up. A nice inclusion is that there are some substantial spars that travel through the fuselage and support the wings in the correct orientation. I personally feel the number of aircraft now being released with wing spar supports is one of the best advances manufacturers have made.
The exterior surfaces of the model have very good panel line detail throughout, with the corrugated detail on various surfaces also being very nicely replicated. MiniArt has included some internal wing spar detail and that I believe can be seen from the interior of the cockpit - further enhancing that area. The fixed undercarriage is basic but again well detailed. The photo etch aspects of the model, which can prove problematic in their use for those who are not familiar with it’s use, but it is not excessive in its quantity and so should not be a deal breaker in this case. The decals that are provided have good colour, and are of a thickness that is not excessive and so should be pleasing to use and with some setting solution to help the seating of the model should result in a pleasing finish. I also like that there are 3 finishing options - 2 American and 1 Japanese.