ICM has arguably done more for the 1/32nd scale aircraft modeller than any other of late, there has been a glut of 1/32ndscale aircraft kits from them that have been well received for the most part. It is also good to see ICM producing figure sets for these large scale aircraft releases as while resin options are available in many cases injection moulded plastic figures are more affordable. So let’s take a look at this offering from ICM.
This offering from ICM is provided in the standard packaging we have now become familiar with. This is a cardboard tray with attached flip top lid and an additional card lid with the artwork for the contents on it. Inside is a single sprue in a re-sealable plastic bag and a small instruction sheet. An examination of the sprue reveals no issues of note beyond the usual moulding seams. One thing I have not covered previously is that ICM now promise to replace any parts regardless of how those parts were damaged.
The three figures in this offering are in pleasing poses as while indicated as near an aircraft on the artwork they could be in a bar setting just as easily and I like this aspect of them. The seated figure is wearing shorts, a loose shirt and flying helmet; I cannot say that any of this clothing is specific to Italian pilots as he could be representative of any Allied pilot in a similar setting. This figure is depicted stroking a Cane Corso which is an Italian Mastiff that ranges from grey to black when a pure breed; the dog looks out of scale due to its head size however this would seem to be correct. I do have a critique of this figure and that is the flying goggles would have been better moulded in clear plastic.
The second figure I looked at is stood in a resting position with one hand holding a propeller blade (could easily be a beer glass). The uniform this figure is wearing consists of shorts, loose jacket in shirt sleeve order and a peaked cap; I again cannot say that any of these items are specifically Italian in nature unless you know something I don’t. I will say the belt looks unusual if being used to represent an Allied crew member.
The last figure is stood upright with a Cane Corso puppy in his arms. This figure is wearing a one piece coverall outfit, the large open pockets at the knees being the only thing that does not look to match Allied outfits. I believe these are flight coveralls due to a peaked hat being worn.
Looking these figures over I like the crease detail that has been replicated in the various uniform items, the coveralls having especially good detail in this respect due to the baggy nature of them. The facial detail of these figures is of a good standard and should be pleasing with careful painting. The hands and finger detail is pretty good, but will benefit I feel from some crisping up of the finger detail. The adult dog looks good in all respects, but the puppy needs the paw contact points with the figures arm sharpened up.

This offering from ICM is pleasing to me due to its ability to be placed in a number of settings without needing any work. The poses are nicely relaxed and I find them pleasing for that aspect. For the most part I would be hard pressed to pick one of these figures up and instantly think Italian pilot. The faces are good and the fingers just need a little work done on them. The inclusion of the dogs is a pleasing part of this set as it provides a potential story for a diorama, and using an Italian dog breed is also a nice touch. My only real disappointment is the goggles not being provided in clear plastic despite being moulded as a separate part.