“We have a great pleasure to show you photos of F4F-4 Wildcat test shots. Finally, we have the kit almost ready for production. It is a great relief! Preorders with some early birds bonus have started in our shop.
Photos represents first test shot. They look excellent at this stage. In following days we will check accuracy and tools will be adjusted for production run.

You can preorder kit with special deal packages including second set of plastic parts (“overtrees”) or other products at now. Kit contents enough decals to build two models, so hurry up before second sprues offer close on Monday, August 16.
We expect the start of delivery before the end of August 2021.

PS. Before you ask; the Mustang kit is on the tooling; we are working on release preparation. An exact date will be announced then"………………………ARMA Hobby
70047 - F4F-4 Wildcat [Expert]– 1:72
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