Arriving in a sturdy flip-top box, the new set includes a pair of new mainwheels and a choice of three styles of tailwheel. Rounding things off is a sheet of die-cut washi tape painting masks.

The detail is really superb, and the new parts completely eclipse the original kit wheels. The mainwheels feature much more detailed hubs, plus maker's text on the sidewalls. Interestingly, the subtly "weighted" tyres are plain, whereas the kit wheels are treaded.

The tailwheels include three styles - one more than included in the kit - with two types of pneumatic tyres and one solid. The tailwheels are produced in a hardened white resin, but unfortunately one of them still arrived broken and I don't think it will be possible to repair it in a way that's strong enough to withstand any knocks. It's hard to see how the breakage happened, because the box was undamaged, and the parts securely bagged inside, so logically they were well-protected.

Breaks apart, preparing the parts for use will be quick and easy, so this is an ideal set for newcomers to using resin upgrades.
Completing the package is a small sheet of painting masks. They're die-cut from washi tape - the ideal medium for conforming to items like this. You'll need some spare tape or liquid mask to prevent overspray.
Eduard provide a neatly illustrated set of instructions with colour matches for Gunze Sangyo.

These new Brassin wheels are beautifully produced and will definitely add a worthwhile boost to the Wildcat, so it's a real shame the sample set arrived with a broken part. Hopefully, this was a one-off mishap. However, if possible, I'd recommend checking the contents to be on the safe side if you purchase the set from a LHS.
Item #648767 is available now from Eduard - Price: £3.45
Many thanks to Eduard for the review sample.
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