“Load the Grill! Drop the Fry Baskets! Open up that box of Merlot!! 48-271 F-15C 44th FS Vampire Bats is now ready for order!
A couple of days late due to mail delays here in Texas but the decals showed up this AM and yes, they're real, and they are amazing!
Links are active, nose art on a current F-15C. Not gonna last long guys!
In 2020 the "Vampire Bats" of the 44th Fighter Squadron and Aircraft Maintenance Unit deployed to the CENTCOM area of operations and subsequently adorned 12 of their F-15Cs with uniquely distinct nickname sand corresponding nose art. This decal sheet captures the artwork of the deployment. These jets can be built with the latest and greatest F-15C combat ordnance load out to include the AN/AAQ-33 Sniper pod.
Stencils are provided for both the Great Wall Hobby and Hasegawa kits and there are enough markings for two complete aircraft”............................Two Bobs
Recommended Kits:
- 1/48th Great Wall Hobby F-15C
- 1/48th Hasegawa F-15C
48-271 - F-15C 44th FS Vampire Bats – 1:48
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