DH. 82A Tiger Moth

DH. 82A Tiger Moth, British Training Aircraft
The de Havilland DH. 82Tiger Moth is a 1930s British biplane designed by Geoffrey de Havilland and built by the de Havilland Aircraft Company. It was operated by the Royal Air Force (RAF) and many other operators as a primary trainer aircraft.
The Tiger Moth remained in service with the RAF until the late 1950s.Many of the military surplus aircraft subsequently entered into civil operation. Many nations have used the Tiger Moth in both military and civil applications.
A total of 8868 aircraft were produced.
Length 228 mm, wingspan 280 mm, includes 93 parts. Decal sheet of 3 variants is included.
Fiat CR.42 Falco ("Falcon")
Fiat CR.42 Falco ("Falcon") - asingle-seat biplane fighter, was the main fighter of the Regia Aeronautica(Italian Air Force) in the initial period of World War II.
The aircraft was developed by the Fiat designoffice under the direction of Celestino Rosatelli. Serial production wascarried out from February 1939 to June 1944 at the Fiat plant in Turin. A totalof 1782 aircraft were produced.
Length 258 mm, wingspan 303 mm, includes 161 parts. Decal sheet of 2 variants is included.

D3206 CR. 42 Falco in Foreign Services
It is the next item in the new ICM A5 decal series.
4 marking variants are included (two Hungarian, Belgian andSwedish Air Force).

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