The CH-37C large transport helicopter powered by two piston engines was developed to the USMC requirements, later however was also used by the US Army. At the time when the type was introduced to service, the CH-37C was the most massive helicopter in world. Both the Marine Corps and Army also operated the Deuce in the Vietnam War.
This re-release of the model kit offers one significant improvement in the form of the extra sprue with new and correct shaped external fuel tanks with pylons. The decal sheet caters for three USMC machines.
- etches and resin parts contained by the kit set
- very interesting subject
- only a limited number release
- the original model kit has been out of production and unavailable for a long time, its price on auctions skyrocketed.

Item #SH72172 is available now from Special Hobby - Price: 38.59 Euros
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