I am unsure how many Beaufort’s ICM has released to date but this offering in maritime patrol Coastal Command colours really caught my attention. I cannot really explain what it is about the model that has drawn me to this particular release but as in previous releases it has a lot going for it. The packaging does a good job of protecting the contents with the risk of warping due to all being in the same bag inside. The moulds are holding up very well despite the variants that have been released as I was expecting flash to start appearing.
The model offers a very nice level of detail inside and out from the cockpit detail to the panel lines. The cockpit has a pleasing detail on the interior faces of the fuselage and I like that wing spares going through the fuselage support the wings correctly to the aircraft and that the open area between these spars is blanked off with a detailed part. The cockpit is reasonably pleasing throughout from the instrument panels to the seats, but a common weakness is here is the form that seat harness detail is not present in any way. We are lucky that for those not up to scratch working this detail a number of companies tackle this failing and the option of further detailing in a good mix of materials.
Looking at what the exterior has to offer and it’s the panel details that stand out for me being very finely replicated and so realistic to the eye despite having to be over scale for that purpose. My only concern about this great level of detail is the risk of it being flooded all too easily with paint. The radial engines are reasonable as supplied but again can be further enhanced by the modeller or the aftermarket providers. If you want to display enhanced engine detail the aftermarket has taken care of that with cowlings for that purpose.
The clear parts offered please me and I feel that the ICM providing plans for cutting out your own masks are very pleasing. The undercarriage is another area that looks good as is provided but again a wide number of aftermarket products are out there for further detailing if required. The tyres are not weighted and so a little heat and careful modification will help or you again can put your hand in your pocket. The torpedo for the model has had a lot of outings in both their own right and with other model releases and I have no concern there.
There are three finishing options for this release and while I like this I cannot help thinking that your mad to move away from the Coastal Command finish that is covered.