Valiant Wings Publishing is pleased to announce that our next title in the Airframe & Miniature series is:
Airframe & Miniature No.22 The Grumman F4F Wildcat (including GM FM-1 & FM-2) – A Complete Guide to Grumman’s First ‘Cat’ by Richard A. Franks.
The Wildcat has been a popular aircraft type with modellers and has recently been the subject of several
new toolings in all scales, especially in 1/72nd and 1/48th. Our latest book will go some way towards
unpicking the different variants and detail differences that apply to the type.
This twenty-second book in our much-acclaimed series has 208 pages packed with vital information that
no active modeller and Wildcat enthusiast should be without.
The F4F Wildcat contains:
• 55+ pages of technical information
• 45+ pages of walk-around images and technical diagrams
• 25+ pages of camouflage and markings
• 25+ pages of model builds and modelling information
• 200+ photographs including wartime images
• Colour side views by Richard J. Caruana
• 3D isometric views of all variants by Juraj Jankovic
• Specially commissioned extensive full kit builds by
Steve A. Evans and Libor Jekl
• Specially commissioned front cover artwork by Jerry Boucher
• Set of 1/48th scale plans
ISBN: 978-1-912932-35-1. RRP: £26.95 per copy plus post and packing. Pre-orders can be made online
at www.valiant-wings.co.uk, by phone on +44 (0)7305 062637 or by writing to:
Valiant Wings Publishing, Unit 3 Glenmore Business Park, Stanley Road, Bedford, MK42 0XY, UK
Airframe & Miniature No.22: The F4F Wildcat will also be available from specialist bookshops and certain
hobby retailers. Publication is planned for end October 2023.
Pre-order Special Offer
Order your copy before October 31st 2023 and save £3.00, both UK and worldwide!
Best wishes
Valiant Wings Publishing
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