tag: West
Wapiti Renders Complete
Lukgraph has now completed the final renders for the Westland Wapiti IIA that will be produced in 1:48 and 1:32 scales
Westland Wapiti Release Revived
LukGraph is pressing ahead with the release this summer the Westland Wapiti IIA in 1:32 scale after the original release was cancelled last year
Chickasaw & Whirlwind CAD’s
Appearing on MikroMirs Facebook page are these CAD’s for the forthcoming 1:72 and 1:48 releases from AMP of the Sikorsky H-19 Chickasaw and Westland Whirlwind
Gazelle Marking Options
Appearing on MikroMir Facebook page is the marking options for the AMP 1:48 scale Aérospatiale SA.341 Westland HT.2 Gazelle
Chickasaw/Whirlwind Planned
MikroMir has posted images of the initial CAD designs fora 1:48 scale Sikorsky H-19 Chickasaw and Westland Whirlwind
America West 747 Released
Welsh Models has released a multimedia 1:144 scale Boeing 747-206 with the livery of America West Airlines
Western Desert Hurricanes
ARMA Hobby is to re-release the 1:72 scale Hurricane Mk.I this time with a Western Desert theme to the colour markings
British Test Aircraft Released
A new 1:72 scale release from Air Graphics is Testing Times 'British Military Test Aircraft Part 1' covering eight aircraft of the RAE
Air South West Banderiante Released
Welsh Models has released another version of the 1:144 scale Embraer 110P1 Banderiante this time in the livery of Air South West
Lysander Engine & Cowl
SBS Model has released a great looking resin engine, cowl and exhaust for the Westland Lysander Mk.III in 1:48 scale
Western & Qantas Electra's
Welsh Models has released in 1:144 scale two Lockheed L.188 Electra kits with the livery of Californian based Western Airlines and Qantas
Whirlwind Test Shot
Special Hobby has posted on their Facebook page a test shot of one of the sprues for the forthcoming 1:32 scale release of the Westland Whirlwind Mk.I
Westland Dragonfly Out Soon
AMP is to release soon the Westland WS-51 Dragonfly HR.3 in 1:72 scale