Tag: SP
AT-9 Jeep Test Sprues
Dora Wings has released images of the test Sprues for their 1:48 scale Curtiss-Wright AT-9 Jeep
Big Scale Vipers Part Two
Reid Air Publications seemed pleased with the arrival of the Speed Hunter Graphics ‘Big Scale Vipers’ Part II in 1/32 scale
15% Off Spring Sale
Dekno Models is having until the end of Easter a 15% sale on all their superb resin kits
SOON! ICM 1/48 WWII RAF Airfield
The set includes Spitfire Mk. IX, Spitfire Mk.VII model kits and three pilots, three mechanics, one WREN member of WWII British Royal Air Force with dog figure and airfield equipment.
Early Spitfire Mk.I ProfiPACK
Eduard is releasing a ProfiPACK Edition of their 1/48 scale Spitfire Mk.I (early) next month with seven new marking options
Harvard Planned
Special Hobby has announced on Facebook they are to release in 1/72 scale ‘The British Commonwealth Air Training Plan’ featuring the Harvard Mk.II/IIA/IIB
Neptune Water Bomber
Welsh Models has released in 1/144 scale a resin based kit of the Lockheed Neptune SP-2H water bomber belonging to Hawkins and Powers
Spitfire Mk. II SPACE
Eduard has released a Space decal and photo etched cockpit detail set for their own 1:48 scale Spitfire Mk.II
Radials Back In Stock
Small Stuff has re-stocked on a number of their gorgeous resin1/72 scale radial engines
SAAF Mirage F.I Planned
Special Hobby is to release a new Edition of their 1/72 scale Mirage F.1, this time featuring the South African AF ground attack Mirage F1 AZ as well as the radar-equipped Mirage F1 CZ fighter
LööK Spitfire Mk. II Cockpit Set
Eduards LööK range of pre-painted instrument panels and seat harnesses now includes this set for the Eduards 1/48 scale Supermarine Spitfire Mk. II
Battle over Holland 1940 Planned
Dutch Decal is preparing a new 1/48 scale release titled ‘Battle over Holland 1940’
ASP-17 Gunsight Released
Amur Reaver has released a good looking 1/48 scale 3D printed ASP-17 gun sight that was fitted to many Soviet aircraft and helicopters
Spitfire Mk. IIa
Tim Hatton takes a look at Eduards ProfiPACK release of the 1/48 scale Spitfire Mk.IIa
‘Korean Air War’ Out Next Week
Osprey Publishing is releasing next week ‘Korean Air War’ by Michael Napier