Tag: Liberator
Liberator & Privateer Wheelsets Released
Ukrainian company Armory Model Group [AMG] has been busy and they have released a number of weighted wheel sets in various scales for the B-24 Liberator and PB4Y Privateer
Liberator & Privateer Wheels Released
Plus Models has released a number of 1:72 scale wheel sets for the B-24 liberator and PB4Y2 Privateer
“First Sergeant” B-24D Camouflage mask set
Assembly ships nearly always carry a striking and colourful scheme, and with this in mind DN Models have released a Assembly Ship Camo and Insignia Paint Mask Set for the B-24D Liberator, serial 42-40127 known as “First Sergeant” in 1/48th scale.
B-24 "Spotted Ass Ape"
Ryo Ito has been keeping us updated with a build log of the Hasegawa 1:72 scale B-24G Liberator finished in the distictive look of an assembly ship. Here are the results of his fascinating build
Liberator Re-Released
Hasegawa has re-released the 1:72 scale Consolidated B-24J Liberator
Seamless Liberator Turrets
Cold War Studio is to release seamless clear gun turrets for the Hobby Boss 1:32 scale B-24J Liberator