Tag: 2
RWD 14 b Czapla Test Build
Lukgraph has posted images on Facebook of the result of a test build of the 1:32 scale resin RWD 14 b Czapla [Heron]
Neptune Up Next
Jetmads ran a competition recently for modellers to select from three choices the next 1:48 scale release and the winner was the P2V-7 Neptune
F-4EJ Digital Camouflage
Double Excellent Decals [DXM] is to release this month the digital camouflage scheme for the JASDF F-4EJ Phantom in 1:72 scale
Malta Spitfire Vs – 1942 Re-Print
Mushroom Model Publications [MMP] has done a re-print of their very popular title ‘Malta Spitfire Vs – 1942’ Their Colours and Markings
Hind Rotor Head Set
Metallic Details has released a resin Mi-24 main rotor head detail set designed for Zvezda’s 1:48 scale kit
MV-22 Insignia Paint Mask Set
DN Models have released a set of Insignia masks for the HobbyBoss 1/48th Osprey MV-22.
Wheel Sets Released
Armory has released a number of wheel sets in 1:144, 1:72 and 1:48 scales including for B-1B, Concorde, Avro Vulcan, F-111, F-14 and F-104
Bf 109E upgrade sets
CMK are to release several 1/72nd sets for the Special Hobby’s Bf 109E.
CH-47, V-22/MV-22 & CH-53 Wheel Sets
Armory has released a number of wheel sets in various scales for the CH-47, V-22/MV-22 and CH-53
Gauntlet Mk II Masters
Silver Wings has posted on their Facebook page images of the masters for their resin based 1:32 scale release of the Gloster Gauntlet MkII
Whirlwind Test Shot
Special Hobby has posted on their Facebook page a test shot of one of the sprues for the forthcoming 1:32 scale release of the Westland Whirlwind Mk.I
ROK Navy Tracker Released
Wolfpack Design has released in 1:48 scale a Grumman Tracker with four marking options for the Republic of Korea Navy
Gauntlet Mk II Marking Options
Silver Wings has revealed the three marking options for their 1:32 scale release of the resin Gloster Gauntlet Mk II
Mirage IIID2Z Conversion Set
Scaleworx is working on a conversion set for the MirageIII D2Z in 1:32 scale
1/32nd B-25H Mitchell bomber Gunship
Hong Kong Models Co Ltd are to release in March a 1/32nd B-25H Mitchell bomber Gunship over CBI version.