Fiat G.55 Centauro

Darren Baker takes a look at a Kagero release as part of their In Combat series covering the Fiat G.55 Centauro on this occasion


Kagero has a newish series of books under the title of “In Combat”. These books take a subject and attempts to provide a the reader with interest in specific attributes of the aircraft (in this case), and then throw in a mix of details that will appeal to the modeller, and provide them with something to get their artistic juices flowing.


The release of in combat, looking at the Fiat G.55 Centauro is authored by Eduardo Manuel Gil Martinez. The book is a soft backed publication that offers 83 pages in A4 size of a satin finish paper stock. I believe the author was desperate to get in as much as possible as written content is even present on the rear cover. The table of contents are as follows:


The Centauro Origins

Italy at war during1943-1945

The “Series 5”Figthers

Technical Description of the Centauro:

Technical Data

Fuselage and Tail

Wings and Fuel System

Landing Gear

Control Surfaces

Canopy and Cockpit

Electronic Equipment



G.55 Production

German G.55s?

Main Variants and Developments of the Fiat G.55

Centauro’s Users During World War 2

Regia Aeronutica

The Centauro in the ANR’S Fighter Groups

Great Britain

Centauro’s Users after World War 2

  Aeronautica Militare





ANR National Markings

Giuseppe Gabrielli

The Last G.55



Italian aircraft unlike Italian sports cars don’t seem to garner the same interest and loving looks. This is one of those books, that may make you change your mind as while Italian aircraft were not the greatest to take to the air, they did exhibit some stunning camouflage patterns. This release from Kagero has really got into the nuts and bolts of the G.55 Centauro and provides the reader with a glorious level of detail, that will aid the modeller to take a build to any level they desire within reason. While covering the aircraft in extreme detail, the story of the aircraft is presented to the reader that you find yourself taken in without realising it. Something Kagero has done with this release, is split up what I would class as the Inter-lectural content, with what I would class as the modelling content, and this breaks up the flow of information, and so I feel the modelling content would be better at the front or rear of the book rather than the middle. The period photographs included in the text areas of the title, have been well chosen, and while the quality varies depending on what the author wishes to represent. The quality is probably the best the author was able to get his hands on, and as such I have no intention of complaining.

Kagero has provided written captions for each photograph of varying lengths that do a good job of telling you what you are looking at. What I consider the modelling section starts with artists profiles of the aircraft from the left and right side from the most part, but you do get a profile from top and bottom. The artist profiles are not in any particular scale, and the profiles also appear to be clean. The profiles are followed with line drawings of the G.55 from left, right, front, rear, top and bottom in 1/48thscale for the most part, with a couple of diversions into 1/24th ,1/32nd and 1/72nd. In the centre of the book there is aA4 poster showing the cover of the title, without any written content.


This Kagero release from the “In Combat” series, covering the Fiat G.55 Centauro is a well considered title, with one complaint. I wish that the modelling section had not been placed in the centre of the title, between the written content and the modelling content. On the plus side, this title is a good attempt to provide the reader with written and visual detail on the G.55 in one place. That will hold appeal for all regardless of your specific interest in the aircraft.