Build: KDA-1 (Q-2A) Firebee With Trailer

Build: KDA-1 (Q-2A) Firebee With Trailer
ICM has sent Aeroscale built images of their recently released 1:48 scale KDA-1 (Q-2A) Firebee along with trailer.

Good day to everyone! Take a look at some build-up photos of our March novelty😉.

The kit includes 29 details for assembling of  KDA-1 (Q-2A) Firebee with trailer.

Model size ( length x width ) : 119 x 79 mm.

48400 - KDA-1 (Q-2A) Firebee with trailer - 1:48

Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here – on Aeroscale.