GBU-38 500lb JDAM’s

GBU-38 500lb JDAM’s
Flying Leathernecks is releasing a couple of sets of GBU-38 500lb JDAM’s for the Hobby Boss 1:18 AV-8B Harrier II

“New Ordnance foryour 1/18th scale Hobbyboss AV-8B!”……….Flying Leathernecks

FL18-1000 GBU-38500lb JDAM with DSU-33

This set contains two Mk-82/BLU-111/B Thermally Protected bombs, two DSU-33 proximity fuzes and two KMU-572 JDAM kits.

FL18-1001 GBU-38500lb JDAM with MXU-735

This set contains two Mk-82/BLU-111/B Thermally Protected bombs, two MXU-735 solid nose plugs and two KMU-572 JDAM kits.

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