RAF & RN Jetstreams Released

RAF & RN Jetstreams Released
Welsh Models has released three 1:144 scale RAF and Royal Navy Handley Page/BAe Jetstreams with another release to follow

We have Three available new releases this week and a fourth available next week which can be ordered in advance.  PJW104R - Handley Page Jetstream T.Mk1 - RAF, PJW105R, Handley Page Jetstream T.Mk 2, Royal Navy (FLY Navy livery), PJW106R,  BAe Jetstream T. Mk 3, Royal Navy Blue Scheme, and finally PJW107R, Handley Page Jetstream T.Mk 2 Royal Navy Red Scheme. Both Mk 1 and 2's have theTurbomeca Astazou engines. See the website for details at www.welshmodels.co.uk. the available releases are for sale and available to ship immediately with ourselves.

  • PJW104R - Handley Page Jetstream T.Mk1 – RAF
  • PJW105R - Handley Page Jetstream T.Mk 2, Royal Navy (FLY Navy livery)
  • PJW 106R - BAe Jetstream T. Mk 3, Royal Navy Blue Scheme
  • PJW107R - Handley Page Jetstream T.Mk 2 Royal Navy Red Scheme. Both Mk 1 and 2's have the Turbomeca Astazou engines

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