Arado – A Illustrated History

Fonthill Media has published a new book by Volker Koos describing and illustrating the history of Arado Flugzeugwerke

A beautifully illustrated and researched developmental history of all Arado aircraft, including the revolutionary Ar 234 jet bomber and satellite branches based on newly released records; also covers

licensed production and secrets in supersonic experiments

Founded in Warnemünde in 1925, Arado Flugzeugwerke developed civilian and military prototypes for the clandestine armament programme of the Reichswehr. From 1933 when licensed production of military aircraft commenced, the factory also built a number of their own designs. Best known are the training planes Ar 66 and Ar 96, the catapult float plane Ar 196 and the record-breaking sport aircraft Ar 79. With the two- or four-engine Ar 234, the world’s first operational jet bomber was built. At the end of the war, Arado initiated the project of the first supersonic experimental aircraft. Arado Flugzeugwerke: Aircraft and Development charts the development of all Arado aircraft between 1925 and 1945 as well as the development and capabilities of the factory. It also gives an

overview of the licensed-productions and other projects.The information in this book is based on original documentation, unpublished photographs and will rectify some of the speculation and fantasy that has been published about Arado Flugzeugwerke.

• Previously published information that was unproved and/or incorrect are checked against new documentary sources

• Includes 163 rare and unpublished photographs

• A must-have for military enthusiasts, modellers, flight-sim enthusiasts and those interested in the complexities of aircraft design and production during the Second World War

Publication: 26 March 2021

Price: £30.00/$40.00

ISBN: 978-1-78155-671-9

Size: 248 x 172 mm

Binding: Hardback

Extent: 192 pages

Illustrations: 163 mono

Rights: World, all languages

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