Stuka Ju 87-G1 Landing

Stuka Ju 87-G1 Landing
Takahide Ichikawa and his stunning diorama called "Landing" Junkers Ju87 G-1 Luftwaffe, T6+AD, Eastern Front, WWII The Junkers Ju 87 or Stuka (from Sturzkampfflugzeug, 'dive bomber') is a German dive bomber and ground-attack aircraft. Designed by Hermann Pohlmann, it first flew in 1935. The Ju 87 made its combat debut in 1937 with the Luftwaffe's Condor Legion during the Spanish Civil War and served the Axis forces in World War II.

Adie Roberts continues his inspirations series to help modellers of all abilities to work out of their comfort zone building dioramas or just trying new builds. 

The Stuka operated with considerable success in close air support and anti-shipping during the outbreak of World War II. It spearheaded the air assaults in the invasion of Poland in September 1939. Stukas were crucial in the rapid conquest of Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France in 1940. Although sturdy, accurate, and very effective against ground targets, the Stuka was vulnerable to contemporary fighter aircraft, like many other dive bombers of the war.