New Book: Reggiane RE 2000, RE 2002, RE 2003

New Book: Reggiane RE 2000, RE 2002, RE 2003
Mushroom Model Publication [MMP] has published in their Orange series a new book on the Reggiane RE 2000, RE 2002, and RE 2003

The development of the famous Italian WWII fighters of the Reggiane factory, with radial engines, is described and illustrated. It served with the Regia Aeronautica and other forces, including the Hungarian and Swedish air arms. This book describes the design, development, and operations of this elegant and effective fighter. This book contains: scale plans, photos and drawings from Technical Manuals, superb color illustrations of camouflage and markings, and rare b&w archive photographs. Color photos of the preserved aircraft illustrate all aspects of the airframe.

This is essential reading for aviation enthusiasts & scale aeromodelers.

  • Author: Przemysław Skulski
  • Illustrator: Andrzej M. Olejniczak
  • ISBN9788366549814
  • Release date: 2023-03-24
  • Series: Orange
  • Format: A4, pb, 174 pages (1
  • Cat. No: 8124
  • Category: New
  • Format: A4, pb, 174 pages (74 in colour)
  • Price: 25.00 GBP

Available from MMP now. You can browse through the book on Facebook

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