Aires Detail Sets Available February

Aires Detail Sets Available February
Aires has released a number of resin detail accessories in 1:32 and 1:48 scales

Releases include:

1:32 Scale

2267 Tornado GR.4 wheel bay [Italeri]

2268 F-104A/C Starfighter wheel bay [Italeri]

1:48 scale

4886 Rafale C/M cockpit set [Hobby Boss]

4887 RA-5C Vigilante exhaust nozzles – early [Trumpeter]

4888 Rafale exhaust nozzles [Hobby Boss]

4889 F-4B/N/C/D Phantom II exhaust nozzles [Zoukei Mura]

Please remember, when contacting retailers or manufacturers, to mention that you saw their products highlighted here – on AEROSCALE.