SEA camo F-4 Phantom II Camouflage Paint Masks Set

SEA camo F-4 Phantom II Camouflage Paint Masks Set
DN Models have released a 1/48th camouflage masking set for the F-4 Phantom in the iconic SEA camo found in Vietnam era aircraft.

Vietnam Era F-4 Phantom II Camouflage Paint Masks Set 1/48th

Suggested scale - 1/48th

Suggested kits - F-4 C/D/E/G Phantom kits from Eduard, Monogram, Hasegawa, Zoukei-Mura, Academy, Tamiya, MENG

SKU -48/827-121

The set includes two sheets of masks (shown in the picture).  The masks are made from thin masking tape, which is easy to be peeled off and doesn’t leave any stains. The tape is tested on clear and painted model too. If carefully removed after painting, they can be used over and over again. Material is flexible and easily applied over curved surfaces. Semi-transparent for easy and accurate placing.

The F-4 Vietnam Era Camouflage pattern was the Earth-Tones Camo Scheme applied on the USAF fighter jets that fought in South-East Asia. It proved to be very effective, even though carrier-based MARINES and NAVY Phantoms never received similar paint job. However, A-1, F-100, F-104, F-105, F-5, F-111 and others were painted in the same colours, due to the effectiveness of the scheme. Various modifications of the F-4 were flown coloured in that manner /some with slight variations of the pattern/, including the definitive USAF variant, the F-4E. All of them were US Air Force jets. Robin Olds’ F-4C was also painted in that scheme, as well as other Vietnam Era USAF Aces’ planes. Some of the reconnaissance Phantoms were also covered in that camouflage.

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