Su-57 5th Gen Stealth Fighter Digital Camouflage mask set

DN Models have released a Russian 5th Gen Stealth Fighter Digital Camo Paint Masks Set for Zvezda's 1/72nd scale Su-57 Felon, that follows on from their recent 1/48th offering.

Su-57 Felon Russian 5th Gen Stealth Fighter Digital Camo Paint Masks Set 1/72nd

Suggested scale - 1/72nd

Suggested kits - Zvezda Su-57 Felon

SKU -72/827-046

The set includes two sheets of masks (shown in the picture).  The masks are made from thin masking tape, which is easy to be peeled off and doesn’t leave any stains. The tape is tested on clear and painted model too. If carefully removed after painting, they can be used over and over again. Material is flexible and easily applied over curved surfaces. Semi-transparent for easy and accurate placing.

The Su-57 Felon is the Russian answer to F-22 Raptor fifth generation stealth fighter. Still in pre-production phase, Felon’s actual capabilities are unknown. The engines used on the prototypes differ from the ones planned for the serial production airplanes. However constant delays forced Sukhoi to test the Su-57 /formerly known as PAK-FA/ with the old and available engines. Currently, this results in different data than planned. The actual specs of the new jet will most likely be known in few years time, after the originally planned engines for the Felon appear. Nevertheless, super-manoeuvrability of the Felon was demonstrated several times at air shows in Russia. The plane showed the same capabilities as the Su-35, which are so far unmatched. Thankfully to the latter, Su-57 Felon was chosen to appear in Top Gun sequel – Top Gun Maverick.

The Digital Camo mask set covers the most widespread camouflage of the Felon fighter jet. The digital camo scheme is painted on most of the pre-production aircraft. Slight variations in between them might appear, since the jet is in extensive development process and changes happen constantly. This set is designed using Zvezda Su-57 Felon kit, which at the time of this mask set release is the only one available in that scale. Considering the fact that Zvezda kits are size-wise accurate compared to the original, it is safe to expect that this set will fit most Su-57s in quarter scale released in the future. Alongside with this Digital Camo, the Felon can be seen in Splinter Camouflage, which was the first option ever introduced to the public. What will be featured on the production planes is not yet known.

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